What's in the Box?

You need one Advance Unit for each person you wish to be in communication with.
Our standard set of 2, Advance Unit package, is shown above (SKU: A02R).
You can connect up to 4 total users into a conversation. (6 people can connect with limited range.)
You DO NOT need your cell phone or a wireless network to connect. Our Advance Units connect with one another without the need of a cell phone or wireless network. All our Advance Units are compatible with one another. This means at anytime you purchase an Advance Unit, if you purchase one at a later date, it will connect with the units purchased earlier.

You can add on additional users at any time by purchasing additional Advance Units (SKU: A01R). Our single unit package is shown below.
What's Next?
What Makes It Waterproof?
Our light weight devices can be used anywhere. Use our devices on the water and for your rugged outdoor adventures. Simply change the headset that goes with your unit that suits your adventure. Durable in extreme cold conditions.

Where Does My Advance Unit Go?
Customers have multiple different options on where you can mount your Advance Unit. The higher the Advance Unit is mounted, the longer your range is for communication.
You can easily move your Advance Unit from one location to another. This gives the customer the flexibility to use their Advance Unit anywhere and for any activity. You can mount your Advance Unit on a helmet, hat, arm band or clip. You can place your unit in your pocket, on your life vest or on your snow goggles. Simply put, your unit is light weight, portable and can be put anywhere.
When on the beach coaching, you can mount your Advance Unit to a Telesin Pole for extended height and range.
How It Works?


Battery life – in use: 14 hours
Charge time: 2.5 hours
Charging: Use an AC Adapter less than 5V otherwise this will damage the IC unit and void any warranty.
LED while charging:
Red = Advance Unit is charging
Blue = Advance Unit fully charged
LED while on:
Blue = Battery life 100%-60%
Purple = Battery life 60%-40%
Red = Battery low

Ready to Use


MP3 or other Bluetooth Players
We have a free video App, BbCAM, available for Iphone. (If you are using an Android, you can use the Cinema FV-5 Lite App)
1. Here is a link to download the BbCAM App directly.
2. After the BbCAM App is installed on your phone, Bluetooth your Advance Unit to your iPhone;
3. Connect Advance Unit to student;
4. Start recording video with iPhone;
5. Video is automatically saved into your iPhone’s camera roll;
6. When playing back video, turn Bluetooth off to hear audio.

Garmin Action Camera (Ultra 30 or VIRB 360)
To pair your Advance Unit with a Garmin Action Camera:
1. Enable Garmin’s Bluetooth search mode;
2. When the Advance Unit is off, press and hold the center button (5 seconds) until blue and red light flashes;
3. Select the “BBT ADV” on Garmin screen;
4. Connect Advance Unit to student;
5. You can now start recording video with live audio feed into your Garmin.