* Download the BbCAM App – click here to download. (Only for Apple) If you are using an Android, you can record using the Cinema FV-5 Lite App.

* Bluetooth your Advance Unit to your Iphone

- Enable smart phone’s Bluetooth search mode.
- While the Advance Unit is off, press and hold the center button (phone/music) until the blue and red LED light flashes.
- BBT ADV will appear on your phone screen, select to pair.
- Once you have initially paired your phone to your Advance Unit, the devices will remember each other. Next time you turn on both devices for use, they will automatically pair.
Connect the Advance Unit paired to your phone to the student’s Advance Unit
Keep the Advance Unit paired to the phone in your possession.
Start recording video with your Iphone
The video will automatically be saved into your Camera Roll.